Current Lab Members
Christine “Teena” Armstrong (formerly Stockert) | Staff Research Associate III - Lab Manager
Research Gate Profile |
Education: M.Sc. – Horticulture and Agronomy, emphasis grapevine physiology (University of California, Davis – Class of 2010). B.S. Biochemistry (University of California, Davis – Class of 1998)
Teena supports the research efforts of the Brown Lab. She does project and laboratory management while pursuing her scientific interest in plant nutrition, especially nitrogen and boron, as well as soil-plant-atmosphere interactions. She operates a greenhouse gas chromatograph that can measure nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and methane emissions.
Daniela Reineke | PhD – Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group (
Education: BS – Environmental Sciences (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany), MS -Environmental Sciences (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany)
Nitrate and salt transport in the vadose zone under drip-irrigated almond orchards.
Ricardo Carmargo | MSc candidate – Horticulture and Agronomy (
Education: BS – Human Biology (University of California, Merced)
Gustave Cirhigiri Cuma | MSc candidate – Horticulture and Agronomy 2022 (
Education: BS – Agronomy-Crop Science (Catholic University of Bukavu)
Gustave holds a Bachelor of Science in Agronomy-Crop Science from the Catholic University of Bukavu. He began his career as Assistant Researcher at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, was appointed as the Fisheries Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture in the DR Congo, and was a Project Coordinator for KOICA.
Ellie Andrews – PhD candidate, Horticulture & Agronomy (
Education: Masters degree in Plant Health Management, The Ohio State University
Bachelors degree in Plant Biology, Field Ecology specialization, Ohio University
Ellie’s research focuses on almond hulls and shells applied as organic matter amendments and effects on orchard soil nutrient cycling, soil health, water dynamics and crop nutrient uptake over time. Her work examines potassium inputs and cycling, the partial substitution of standard potassium fertilizer with organic inputs, and the effects of catch-frame harvest on soil health and nutrient cycling compared to standard on-ground harvest. Her general interests are in sustainable nutrient management, tree crop nutrient dynamics, soil health, organic matter amendments and post-production biomass recycling.
Dante Leventini – MSc student, Horticulture & Agronomy (
Education: BSc in Horticultural Science, Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology specialization, University of Florida
Dante's research interest is in plant physiological response to soil salinity and its interaction with nutrient localization.
Sydney Cho | Post Graduate Researcher
Education: BS – Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior, BA— Economics (University of California, Davis – Class of 2021)
Margherita A. Germani | PhD student - Horticulture & Agronomy
Education: BS - Land and Agro-forestry Science (University of Bologna); MS - Vegetable Biotechnology and Crop Production (University of Bologna)
Douglas Amaral | Post-Doctoral Scholar ( 2018-2021
Education: PhD – Soil and Plant Sciences (University of Delaware – Class of 2017)
Pedro Lima | Post-Doctoral Scholar ( 2019-2020
Education: PhD – Science of Tropical Environments (University of Lancaster – Class of 2016), PhD – Soil Science (Federal University of Lavras – Class of 2015)
Pedro carried out research to understand the factors affecting nutrient uptake and utilization by plants, by identifying ways in which plant productivity can be enhanced by more efficient nutrient management, and to determine the factors that influence the efficacy of foliar applied plant stimulants.
Luis Sanchez | Lab Assistant 2019
Education: BS – International Agricultural Development (University of California, Davis – Class of 2019)
Maylin Murdock | Lab Assistant 2018
Education: B.Sc. – Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Biotechnology (University of California, Davis – Class of 2018)
Ryan Birkett | Lab Assistant 2018
Education: B.Sc. – Environmental Science and Management Emphasis in Watershed Science, Geographic Information Systems Minor (University of California, Davis – Class of 2018)
Lisa Artuso | MSc – International Agricultural Development ( 2021
Education: BA – Political Science and International Relations (Gordon College – Class of 2012)
Lisa is currently conducting research as a part of research team within the lab on the intersection of technical assistance provision, farmer decision making and best agronomic practices for specialty coffee production in Guatemala. Lisa’s research focuses on the efficacy and improvement of technical assistance provision for specialty coffee production.
Sat Darshan Khalsa | Assistant Project Scientist ( 2014-2021
Education: PhD – Agronomy (University of California, Davis – Class of 2014)
Dr. Khalsa’s research focuses on nitrogen cycling and management in tree crops integrating plant, soil and social sciences. Dr. Khalsa was authored various papers on nitrogen management in tree crops using a range of experimental techniques from nitrous oxide flux chambers, ion exchange resins and 15N stable isotopes to grower surveys identifying barriers to practice adoption. Dr. Khalsa leads multiple efforts in applied orchard research including projects examining the impact of organic matter amendments and nitrogen stabilizers on nutrient and irrigation management. Dr. Khalsa is also a project leader and trainer on a statewide effort developing the next generation of educational modules on nitrogen management for certified crop advisors.
Meerae Park | MSc – Horticulture and Agronomy (Fall 2019) (
Education: BA – Business Administration (University of California, Irvine – Class of 2014)
Meerae is researching the application of proximal and remote sensing technologies in the evaluation of biostimulants and physiological mode of action. He currently works with Patrick Brown to optimize its current uses and to develop future applications. You can reach him at to learn more about his research.
Evie Smith | PhD – Horticulture and Agronomy ( 2019-2021
Education: BSc-Agronomy and Soils (Auburn University), BSc-Horticulture (Auburn University), MSc-International Agricultural Development (UC Davis)
Francisco Acevedo | Post-Doctoral Scholar ( ? - 2020
Education: BA Agricultural Engineer; M. Sc. Agricultural Sciences
Francisco’s main interest is studying plant physiological responses under non-uniform nutritional and saline conditions focusing on root plasticity and nutrient uptake. Increasing our understanding of the biological principles of the root zone can provide growers with the tools necessary to efficiently utilize fertilizers while protecting crops from salinity.
Chieh Yu | MSc – Soils and Biogeochemistry ( 2021
Education: BS – Soil and Environmental Sciences (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan – Class of 2013
Chieh’s research interests lie in soil-plant nutrient management. He currently studies the dynamics of different potassium sources in Californian almond production soils.
Jessica Teodoro | PhD – visiting scholar from Federal University of Lavras (2019)
Andrea Tinajero | Undergraduate Lab Assistant
Education: BS – Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (University of California, Davis – Class of 2020)
Maria Vitoria Baptista | Undergraduate Visiting Scholar from Federal University of Lavras 2020
Leah Hartman | MSc candidate – Soils and Biogeochemistry (
Education: BA – Sociology (Brandeis University – Class of 2012)
Leah is working on the soil microbiome and soil health in almond agroecosystems. Interests include soil microbial ecology, harnessing microbes to meet the needs of a changing climate, and discovery of novel compounds from the soil.
Maila Adriely Silva | Visiting scholar from Federal University of Lavras (2021)
Education: Agronomist and Ph.D. student in Soil Science (Federal University of Lavras - Brazil)
Laís Teles de Souza | Visiting Graduate Researcher
Ph.D. candidate, Crop Science, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo
M.Sc. Crop Science, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo
B.Sc. Agronomy, IFSULDEMINAS, Brazil
Laís' research focuses on coffee nutrients demand and management. Her general interests include balance nutrition, nutrient uses efficiency and soil fertility conservation.