About the Lab

About the Lab


In the Patrick H. Brown lab, our research is focused on understanding and improving agronomic tools for plant nutrition

Our lab covers two broad areas of research:

  • Plant Nutrition
  • Plant Physiology

Specific areas of interest include:

  • Physiology and biochemistry of plant nutrient uptake
  • Interactions of nutrition with disease resistance
  • Selection of crops with improved nutrient efficiency
  • Nutritional requirements of both annual and perennial systems
  • Application technology and development of environmentally sound fertilizer use
  • Molecular and genetic aspects of nutrient acquisition and tolerance

Crops of interest:

  • Nut Crops
  • Citrus
  • Row Crops (Processing Tomato, Wheat, Soybean, Rice)

Current projects are detailed in the "Current Research" tab above and include:

  • Management of Nitrogen in Orchard Ecosystems
  • Salinity and Boron Toxicity in Perennial Crops
  • Biostimulants:  Their Role in Modern Agriculture
  • Advanced Harvest Systems for Almond
  • Dormancy Mechanisms in Perennial Orchard Crops
  • Foliar Fertilizers
  • Coffee Agroecosystems