About the Lab

In the Patrick H. Brown lab, our research is focused on understanding and improving agronomic tools for plant nutrition
Our lab covers two broad areas of research:
- Plant Nutrition
- Plant Physiology
Specific areas of interest include:
- Physiology and biochemistry of plant nutrient uptake
- Interactions of nutrition with disease resistance
- Selection of crops with improved nutrient efficiency
- Nutritional requirements of both annual and perennial systems
- Application technology and development of environmentally sound fertilizer use
- Molecular and genetic aspects of nutrient acquisition and tolerance
Crops of interest:
- Nut Crops
- Citrus
- Row Crops (Processing Tomato, Wheat, Soybean, Rice)
Current projects are detailed in the "Current Research" tab above and include:
- Management of Nitrogen in Orchard Ecosystems
- Salinity and Boron Toxicity in Perennial Crops
- Biostimulants: Their Role in Modern Agriculture
- Advanced Harvest Systems for Almond
- Dormancy Mechanisms in Perennial Orchard Crops
- Foliar Fertilizers
- Coffee Agroecosystems